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HomePoliticsPolitical Sparks Fly at Shirur Wedding: Kolhe's Comments Ignite Feud

Political Sparks Fly at Shirur Wedding: Kolhe’s Comments Ignite Feud

A Political Storm Brews in Shirur: Amol Kolhe's Wedding Speech Sparks Controversy

Pune | April 01, 2024: The serene atmosphere of a wedding in Shirur was disrupted when politics took center stage, as Lok Sabha candidate Amol Kolhe, attending Dilip Mohite Patil’s nephew’s wedding, made some political remarks. Kolhe’s presence at the celebration seemed to ignite a political feud with his opponent Shivajirao Adhalrao Patil.

During the festivities, Kolhe subtly referenced the rift within the nationalist party, blending election symbols into his blessings for the newlyweds. “The time is not matching as the clock has passed. But the trumpet of happiness and satisfaction should sound in the life of the bride and groom,” Kolhe remarked, drawing attention and sparking discussions.

However, his remarks did not sit well with Adhalrao Patil, who swiftly criticized Kolhe’s actions, labeling them inappropriate for the occasion. “Go to someone’s wedding and greet them politely. Congratulations to the bride and groom. But it is not good to go to the wedding ceremony and act like a brat,” Patil expressed, hinting at the brewing controversy.

The clash between Kolhe and Adhalrao Patil has injected a new dimension into the election campaigning in Shirur. Both leaders, representing rival alliances, are now intensifying their efforts to garner support, with Kolhe’s comments serving as fuel for political debate.

While Kolhe’s intentions behind his remarks remain unclear, the fallout from his statements has underscored the sensitivity of mixing politics with personal celebrations. As the election campaign gains momentum, the focus shifts to how Kolhe will respond to the criticism leveled against him, and whether this incident will further escalate tensions between the opposing factions.


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