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HomePoliticsClash of Allegations: Gunaratna Sadavarte and Manoj Jarange Patil Accuse Each Other

Clash of Allegations: Gunaratna Sadavarte and Manoj Jarange Patil Accuse Each Other

Gunaratna Sadavarte's Car Attacked Amidst Protests for Maratha Community Reservation

Jalna | October 26, 2023 : In a dramatic turn of events, Gunaratna Sadavarte and Manoj Jarange Patil have engaged in a heated exchange of accusations, with both figures taking to the public arena to voice their grievances.

Manoj Jarange Patil Denies Allegations

Manoj Jarange Patil vehemently denied all allegations made by Gunaratna Sadavarte, stating that he had no knowledge of the events that unfolded outside Sadavarte’s residence. Speaking to the media at Antarwali Sarati, Jarange Patil distanced himself from any acts of violence and emphasized that the Maratha community’s protests were intended to be peaceful. He further condemned the attack on Sadavarte’s car and made it clear that he and his supporters did not endorse such actions.

In response to Sadavarte’s criticism, Jarange Patil made an intriguing announcement, suggesting that he would reveal the name of former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in connection with the incident tomorrow. The unfolding political drama between these two prominent figures is causing ripples in the Maratha community’s ongoing struggle for reservation.

Gunaratna Sadavarte Expresses Frustration

Gunaratna Sadavarte, a figure with reportedly strong ties in Delhi, voiced his frustration over the lack of reservation for the Maratha community. He accused the political leaders who had shown respect for him of using the Maratha community to further their own agendas. The luxury car belonging to Sadavarte was vandalized outside his house in Mumbai on Thursday morning, a distressing incident that prompted him to lash out at Manoj Jarange Patil.

“Why is this your peaceful protest?” Sadavarte questioned as he demanded the immediate arrest of Manoj Jarange Patil. The simmering tension between the two has added a layer of complexity to the ongoing Maratha community’s struggle for reservation.

Jarange Patil’s Response to the Accusations

Manoj Jarange Patil, not one to back down, accused Sadavarte of conspiring to undermine the peaceful protests of the Maratha community. He questioned Sadavarte’s sudden interest in the Maratha cause, suggesting it was part of a larger plot. Despite the tension, Jarange Patil expressed his belief that the Maratha community would continue to protest peacefully and thwart any attempts to derail their movement.

As the accusations fly back and forth, it remains to be seen whether the Maratha community’s quest for reservation will see progress or face further political turmoil. The events of the coming days will undoubtedly shed more light on this developing situation.


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