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HomePoliticsAjit Pawar's Statement on Devendra Fadnavis' Chief Ministership Sparks Speculation

Ajit Pawar’s Statement on Devendra Fadnavis’ Chief Ministership Sparks Speculation

Supporters of Ruling Parties Engage in Heated Debates Over Chief Minister's Post

Mumbai | October 12, 2023: The ongoing battle for the Chief Minister’s post in Maharashtra has taken a new turn as Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, a prominent figure within the ruling alliance, made a statement regarding the fate of Devendra Fadnavis as the Chief Minister.

Supporters of all three parties sharing power in the state have been engaged in heated debates over who should lead the government. Amidst this power struggle, Ajit Pawar’s recent statement has raised eyebrows and fueled speculation about the future leadership in the state.

For several days now, the supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Shiv Sena, and Ajit Pawar’s group have been publicly expressing their opinions about the Chief Minister’s post. Banners and slogans have adorned the streets, and political discussions have reached a fever pitch.

Shiv Sena MLA Sanjay Shirsat suggested that Devendra Fadnavis should take a role in Delhi, paving the way for Eknath Shinde to lead the state. This statement led to a swift response from Fadnavis’s supporters, who reiterated his aspirations for the Chief Minister’s position.

Ajit Pawar, the Deputy Chief Minister, stepped into the fray and addressed the media on Thursday. Responding to BJP State President Chandrashekhar Bawankule’s statement advocating for Devendra Fadnavis as Chief Minister, Pawar took a conciliatory tone. He stated, “What Bawankule has to say is his right. In the end, it is the people who decide. We have no reason to feel bad if Devendra Fadnavis becomes the Chief Minister.”

The statement has ignited discussions about Pawar’s stance and whether he truly supports Fadnavis’s candidature for the Chief Minister’s post. This latest development adds yet another layer of complexity to the ongoing political power play within Maharashtra’s ruling coalition. The people await further developments in this unfolding political drama.


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