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HomePoliticsNCP President Sharad Pawar Faces Criticism in Election Commission Hearing

NCP President Sharad Pawar Faces Criticism in Election Commission Hearing

Supriya Sule Responds to Criticism with Grace

October 09, 2023: In a significant development at the Central Election Commission on Friday, October 6, NCP President Sharad Pawar found himself in the hot seat. A hearing was convened to discuss the question of who truly holds the title of “Nationalist.” Sharad Pawar himself attended this hearing, and the atmosphere grew tense as Minister Chhagan Bhujbal openly criticized him. The court office had previously stated that this hearing would not take place, but Bhujbal’s presence led to an unexpected turn of events.

Sharad Pawar, known for his influential role in the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), asserted his authority during the hearing. He stated, “I am not only the founder president of the NCP, but also the founder state president. It was under my roof that the name and symbol of the Nationalist Party were decided. So, do we also have a share of the ‘khari’ or not?” Bhujbal seized the opportunity to question Sharad Pawar’s claims.

In response to Bhujbal’s criticisms, Supriya Sule, Member of Parliament and a prominent figure in NCP, weighed in on the matter. She remarked, “Chhagan Bhujbal has consistently criticized Sharad Pawar, but I choose not to respond to his comments due to the respect I hold for my elder colleagues. If I were of the same age, I might have considered giving him a fitting response.” Sule addressed the media in Solapur, maintaining a composed demeanor throughout her statement.

Sule also shed light on her values and upbringing, stating, “My mother’s teachings have instilled in me a different approach. I believe in not forgetting those with whom we have shared a meal. While Chhagan Bhujbal continues his criticisms, I maintain my stance of not engaging with him due to the age difference. If circumstances were different, I might have chosen to engage differently.”

In a political landscape filled with tension and verbal sparring, Supriya Sule’s measured response stands as a reminder of the importance of respect and decorum in political discourse. This Election Commission hearing continues to be a topic of discussion, highlighting the complexities within the Nationalist Congress Party.


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