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Lok Sabha Election 2024: Accusations Fly as PM Modi Fires Back at Criticism

Prime Minister Modi Responds to Sanjay Raut's Aurangzeb Comparison

March 21, 2024 : In the bustling political arena gearing up for the Lok Sabha Election 2024, accusations and counter-accusations have become the order of the day. The recent verbal joust between the ruling party and the opposition, particularly sparked by Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut’s comparison of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Aurangzeb, has intensified the political discourse.

The Lok Sabha election bugle has been sounded, setting the stage for a flurry of activities among political factions. While the Modi government presents its report card of the past decade to the nation, opposition parties persistently critique Prime Minister Modi’s tenure. However, Modi, known for his distinct responses to opposition criticisms, took a different approach during a recent interview with a private TV channel on Wednesday, March 20, as he directed his focus towards the opposition.

Addressing Sanjay Raut’s comparison directly, Prime Minister Modi stated that the opposition has yet again resorted to disparaging him, this time likening him to Aurangzeb for the 104th time. Raut’s remark, drawing a parallel between Modi and Aurangzeb due to their alleged shared ideology, was met with strong objection from BJP leaders. Modi’s retort, acknowledging Raut’s comparison while defending himself, has ignited further discussions within political circles.

Emphasizing the government’s vision for the future, Prime Minister Modi highlighted their efforts in charting a roadmap for the next 25 years, along with strategizing the initial 100 days of their anticipated third term. However, amidst the government’s forward-looking agenda, opposition criticisms persist, with Raut’s comparison being the latest in a series of contentious remarks.

In response to Raut’s statement, BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi criticized Shiv Sena’s stance, suggesting that aligning with those who glorify Aurangzeb might not bode well with the public sentiment. As the political landscape continues to heat up with election fervor, the exchange of accusations and rebuttals between the ruling party and the opposition sets the tone for what promises to be a fiercely contested Lok Sabha Election 2024.


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